Parking information
Convenient parking options are located all around the Minneapolis Convention Center ranging from $5.00–$15.00. The skyway system makes it easy for you to get from your car to the show. Click one of the links below to find the most convenient parking options.
Purchase Parking Around Minneapolis Convention Center
(Plaza Ramp is connected to the Convention Center)
Loring Parking Ramp - 2 Blocks from the Minneapolis Convention Center
$10 All-Dayy Boat Show Parking
40% Savings when you pay in advance
Map of Minneapolis Convention Center Skyways and Parking (PDF)
Downtown Minneapolis Skyway App for iPhone
Another option, take the light rail to the show! There is a shuttle that runs from the Hiawatha Line to the Minneapolis Convention Center. Click here for details.
Public Transportation
Downtown Minneapolis is compact and easy to navigate. The airport is a mere 15-minute cab ride away. From our expansive public transportation system to our unique skyway system, you'll find Minneapolis a joy to get around. Read more.
Public transportation
Buses and taxis are readily available at the MCC, the airport, Mall of America and at most hotels. Use Metro Transit's Trip Planner for easy door-to-door directions for buses and light rail transit.
One of Mineapolis' most unique assets is the skyway system. Linking most of downtown with above-ground climate-controlled walkways, the system will get you from the Minneapolis Convention Center to most spots in downtown Minneapolis without ever stepping outside. Read more.

Minneapolis Official Website
This is the official web site for the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. As a round-the-clock service to its residents, the City provides information on its services and departments, history and statistics, upcoming events and recent news. The site includes links to local information sources, such as news, weather and business information. You can also make your voice heard by sending e-mail to various City officials, or find out how to reach your City government in person.
Minneapolis Visitors Website
This is the official site for the Twin Cities and Minneapolis, Minnesota area, providing visitor information including, city guides, Twin Cities maps, Twin Cities entertainment calendar, and general info on the Minneapolis area.
Minneapolis Convention Center 
The Minneapolis Convention Center is a large convention center located in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is located one block away from Nicollet Mall near Orchestra Hall. The Minneapolis Convention Center has a quadruple-domed roof and because of its volume can host multiple events on the same day. The Minneapolis Convention Center is also the largest indoor, contiguous, convention center in the Upper Midwest.
For more information visit Minneapolis Convention Center Website »
Disability Services
The Minneapolis Convention Center is dedicated to providing an accessible and enjoyable experience to all patrons including services for those who may need auditory, visual or mobility assistance.
For more information visit